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Hi Everyone!
Welcome to my photo blog! Here you will be able to view some of my most recent well as a little glimpse of my own life here and there. Sooo... thanks so much for taking the time to visit, and joining me on this journey!

Here goes nothing! :)



Thursday, July 11, 2013

The (H) Families! (Fruitland Idaho Family Photographer)

A little behind on my posting...but here is an Awesome family that I did a couple months ago...  and had a BLAST photographing (as always ;) )  LOVED the location, and the weather was GORGEOUS!! What more could I ask for :) Such a fun night!
Thanks so much (H) Family for having me!


Stephanie + Josh (Fruitland Idaho Engagement Photographer)

I had so much fun with these two!  They were so cute and make SUCH A CUTE COUPLE!!   It was a pleasure getting to know them! :)
Thanks so much Steph and Josh!!  

The (P) Family (New Plymouth Family Photographer)

This was one of the quickest sessions I have ever done haha...due to the random downpour and chilly temps... we had to run for shelter.  I had a blast with this CUTE family though,  and even though little Blayze wanted nothing to do with me, or my camera LoL...I LOVE how the pics turned out.  We will be meeting up for (part 2) in the near future ;)  Thanks so much P family for braving the crazy weather!



 LoL!...Love this one...











